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The Mailbox School & District The World Almanac for Kids Learn360
Back in the day (and we won't disclose when), students were subjected to dreary black and white educational films (naptime) and, when it was time to write the dreaded research paper, it meant a trek to an uninviting library reference section where there was only a chance you might find the materials you needed; but nothing could be checked out. And, believe it or not, photocopies, if available, cost ten cents apiece. Then, as teachers, we spent our weekends writing lesson plans, struggling to find activities and materials, panicking frequently--we still have dreams where we arrive in our classrooms full of unruly children and have nothing to teach. The new World Wide Web was supposed to change all that, but for a long while, the promise didn't meet the challenge, and many of the problems remained: Resources were scattered all over the web, videos were slow and stuttered, lesson plans were untested and hard to find, research sources were sketchy and unreliable. But, fast forward, and the challenge has been taken up by Infobase - and masterfully so. Offering dozens of databases, video collections, school and library resources, and much, much more, the three products we mention here (2018 EDDIES winners all) are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Infobase's answer to the classic teacher's nightmare: The Mailbox School & District offers 52,000+ ideas, activities, and worksheets for the elementary set. No more late night or weekend marathons putting together lesson plans. Correlated content is planned and edited by experts in their fields, and meets various state and national standards, with topics such as arts and crafts, classroom management, cross-curricular, and every subject area. User-friendly and easily searchable, The Mailbox is an elegant solution to what used to be a persistent dilemma. The World Almanac for Kids is Infobase's answer to the previously inadequate library reference section for research papers. Designed for Middle School students, The World Almanac for Kids is still entertaining, and now has new content and interface. A one-stop reference resource, content includes new modules, interactive games, videos and more. Lesson plans for teachers are included, as well as reliable and verifiable resources which enhance classroom interaction. Priceless. Finally, those dreary educational films: Infobase's solution - Learn360. A multimedia resource for K-12, Learn360 offers a wealth of full-length videos, music tracks, sound effects, audiobooks, newsreels, images, articles, maps, science diagrams and experiments, and Spanish language content across all subjects and grade levels. One special feature, Learnetic Interactives, offers all-grade STEM lessons which are engaging, engrossing, and all-important these days. For teachers, all content can be integrated into any lesson plan and customized to suit any grade and interest level. We commend Infobase for these fine products which are sure to impact 21st Century education.