Renzulli Learning
[CompassLearning (800) 232-9556]

Renzulli Learning is a K-12 computer-assisted program which utilizes a strengths-based approach that identifies an individual student's interests, learning styles and preferred expression styles. This focus on differentiation allows the program to match those interests and styles with lessons and enrichment activities in the areas of language arts, math, science and social studies. Each of the lessons and enrichment assignments provides a group of possible activities from which the student may choose, allowing for more self-directed engagement in the learning process. The enrichment activities include: Virtual field trips, creativity training, critical thinking, projects and independent study, video and DVDs.
Renzulli Profiler is the cornerstone measurement tool used to provide a comprehensive analysis of each student. The Profiler has three versions to accommodate the primary, secondary and Spanish-speaking student. Once completed, the teacher is then able to assign lessons or activities to each learner or to a group of students with similar interests and styles. Each activity and lesson has a self-assessment tool, so that the teacher can monitor the student's progress, and adjust the instructional program accordingly. A messaging in-box is available to personalize the interaction between student and teacher as the learner maneuvers through the activities.
         The teacher can select from a widely diverse offering of lessons based on academic area and/or State Curriculum Standards. The lessons can be used by the teacher as (s)he devises a learning plan for a specific topic or grade level; or they can be assigned as enrichment or supplemental material. The teacher's dashboard enables a full array of uses of the program with on-line support from Renzulli staff.
         With the
Personal Success Plan (PSP) and the Wizard Project Maker as tools to enable engagement and self-determination by the more advanced student, Renzulli Learning has a clear intent of addressing all levels of student performance and progress.

PD 360
[School Improvement Network (801) 566-6500]

          Advertised as, "The first and largest online, on-demand professional development platform for educators,"
PD 360 is, as the title describes, an all-inclusive (i.e., 360 degrees), one-stop-shop for all things professional development. 
         With an impressive library of over 1,500 videos (and growing) covering ninety-seven topics, there is little a teacher or professional development coordinator couldn't find here: Pre-service training; refresher courses for veterans; resources for preparing teachers, administrators, or an entire district to implement Common Core standards (a
PD 360 component); tools to improve classroom observation (an Observation 360 component).
PD 360 is a treasure trove of best practices, expert advice, latest research, and effective classroom strategies - and it promises to continue to grow and improve.
         Winner of this year's
EDDIE for Teacher Tools - Scalable Professional Development Website, we applaud School Improvement Network's achievement.


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